VoxIran is IranPoll's databank of scientific polls.

It contains the answers Iranians have provided to more than 3,500 survey questions from over 475 probability sample surveys conducted in Iran from 2006 to the present on 430 topics and subtopics including an extensive cross-sectional time use survey, making it the single most comprehensive databank of reliable polls of the Iranian people.

Containing thousands of questions from hundreds of probability sample surveys conducted since 2006 on a wide variety of topics - ranging from elections, human rights and democracy, to threat perceptions and Iran’s nuclear program, to adoption of new and innovative technologies, to religion and the role it plays in Iranian people’s day to day lives - VoxIran provides users with a unique experience to see where Iranian people stand and how their views and opinions have changed and evolved over the past decade on a comprehensive range of issues.

While VoxIran is currently exclusively used in-house to produce analytical reports and provide answers to a wide variety of Iran-related research questions, IranPoll is planning to make the databank available to subscribers at competitive rates by 2023.

VoxIran is deployed on VoxDash, which is a data governance platform for sharing and visualization of proprietary data without allowing access to the raw data itself. It allows polling data owners to provide governed data access to users with defining access-level configuration per data point. VoxDash allows users to search questions by topic and/or keywords, obtain time series results on questions, run cross-tabulations with other questions, and see the methodology associated with each question.


Please sign up if you are interested to become informed when VoxIran becomes available to subscribers and to qualify for our early-adopter subscription discounts.

VoxIran is the single most comprehensive databank of Iranian opinion polls containing more than 3,500 diverse questions on 430 topics and subtopics from 475+ probability sample surveys conducted from 2006 to the present in Iran.

Voxiran: The Voice of the Iranian People

  • Hundreds of probability sample surveys of the Iranian People

  • 2006 to present

  • Covers hundreds of topics

  • Easy to use online data analysis features

  • Powered by VoxDash

  • Contains thousands of questions, many with trends

  • Regularly updated with new questions

  • Advanced question/topic search engine